Friday, February 3, 2012

I was working at Kmart and earn minimum wages.
I could afford a car, gas, and apartment rent and everything...

And I was living better than people who was living in ghetto.

Kmart gave me Health benefit.

Even McDonlds' provide Health Insurance for their employees.

Hourly employees may enjoy one free meal per shift worked, a wage review every six months, training classes and McCrew Care Insurance. McDonald's employees are able to use the Gold Card Plus Program that offers discounts on car rents, shoes, clothes and movie tickets. Employees will also receive a 10 percent discount from Kinder Care, LaPetite Academy and Childtime Child Care, Inc. Employees are also eligible to apply for the McDonald's scholarship to pay for college expenses. Some benefits are restricted to full time employees, so be sure to ask for the benefits package when you apply鈥?/a>

I don't believe that there are companies that won't provide health insurance benefit to the employees.

Obama is lying.|||Good points. People working RARELY make the true minimum wage. Most earn $1.00 above or more. This is an excellent starting wage. Most Americans need to live within their budgets. I pay entirely in cash for everything, such as houses, cars, boats, etc. |||Because there are objective standards for poverty. People making minimum wage generally are not going to meet or surpass that standard.

There's a difference between a young person working full time for minimum wage and supporting themselves, particularly in a less expensive area, AND someone trying to support a family. The cost of living in Janesville, Wisconsin or York, PA is not the same as the cost of living in Houston, TX or Boston, MA.

You can't assume your own experience is the only "valid" one. |||Could you have afforded an apartment "and everything" if you had children to support and needed a bigger apartment and more of "everything"?

Besides, McDonald's is a big company that is likely to get reviewed by the government. If anything, it is more likely to provide the employees with everything the law requires. It's the smaller, crummier, more out-of sight companies you should watch for.|||The reality is, the minimum wage is being used as a ploy by the Democrats and has been for years. The silliest argument they make is "how can you support a family of four on ________ (fill in the blank with the latest minimum wage amount).

In reality, no one ever claimed the minimum wage was inteneded to support a family of any size. It is the base starting point, the entry level for wage earners. One is not supposed to stay at the entry level nor is one supposed to begin having a family if one is only earning the base wage.

*|||I agree with Mike you need to jump in and really experience life to understand.

Any company who gives you college funds expects you to give service in return so while you have that shine new degree you are still working at McDonald's for another 4 to 8 years depending on the terms.

Also you must live in a cheaper area of the USA try living in California on minimum wage or New York.|||I see you've only dipped one toe into the real world so far and have yet to jump in. Try raising kids or buying a house making minimum wage. And yes, you probably will not find a big company that doesn't offer health beneifts, but there are plenty of small compaines that either don't offer any at all or have significantly cut them back. When you get into your 20's and 30s, you'll realize just how poor people making minimum wage really are. |||The standard of living one can afford depends on some things other than just their salary. House prices are much lower in rural areas than in urban and suburban areas. Same thing with real estate taxes. And it makes a big difference if you have a family that has money to help you get started.

Also, I doubt anyone making minimum wage is saving much for retirement.|||Maybe in your town one could afford all of those things off of a minimum wage salary. But where I live the average apartment goes for 1/1 $950,
2/2 $1200.00, then some people pay for student loans, car payments, car insurance, you get my point. How do you think that anyone could survive like that? You're foolish, my child.|||You are obviously smart enough to be able to live within your means and I applaud you for that. Many people run up credit cards, buy cars they can not afford or live in homes they can not afford. Then they complain that they are "poor".........doesn't make much sense to me.

Your parents obviously raised you well and instilled in you a wonderful work ethic. You should be very proud of yourself.|||I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. There are many many employers who do not provide health insurance for their employees, or who require the employee to pay all or a portion of the premium.
If you can support yourself and a family on a McJob, then I am truly impressed.|||I don't make a lot of money, I live with in my means. Even if I did make minimum wage I could still make it reach. It's a shame though, Barry will never know. And no it's not Patriotic to pay higher taxes.|||You asked a few questions earlier. I thought you said you were rich? What are you trying to prove? Are you Rich or do you work at K-Mart?|||Well, I am glad that you are doing so well. Now you keep that same crummy job and have some kids, we'll see. Ohh....maybe you havent a right to have any children because you only work at K'mart?|||Ty for setting the record straight.the fact is if more people will step forward we may be able to stop the fictitious rhetoric oozing form the left.|||
I have met the similiar problem before -- still a little bit annoy,here is a good resource that help me out.
|||I bet if you had 3 kids and were a single parent you wouldn't be saying that. |||there are some people making minimum wage and you know it has to be hard on them, so they prob dont have as much|||you just don't get it, do you?|||What makes people on minimum wage poor is bad money management and bad lifestyle choices. I see people who are in that group who have relatively new cars, plasma TVs, they smoke and go out drinking every Saturday night. They eat out frequently and try to raise a family on that salary.

There are others who do very well on minimum wage.

It amazes me when I see people trying to live a lifestyle higher then their income. If you can't afford the way you are living, you have to make cuts somewhere. Share an apartment with others. Eat rice and beans most nights. Ride a bike to work.
One shouldn't live above their means then complain about not making enough money. Make the money first then live that lifestyle.|||What kind of car, how much petrol, where (and what size) is your apartment and what is this "everything" you speak of? Are you getting everything from your salary or do you claim tax credits or low-income benefits from the Government (OMG SOCIALISM!!!) or getting help from your family (in which case you're getting by on more than just minimum wage)

Where's the ghetto you talk about and how do they live?

In my country you can get by in your own apartment on the Dole (in fact the unemployed claim Housing Benefit to pay their rent and claim other benefits to raise children, it's not a lot, but it's not meant to be) and when working on the minimum wage over here the Government still pays out Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit etc...

McDonald's provide Health Insurance? Kmart gave you health benefit? How nice of them, but I'd rather NOT have to depend on my employer to provide my basic healthcare needs, largely because too many employers (agencies for example and small businesses who can't afford to provide such benefits) thankfully I don't have to as we have something called an NHS over here. |||why do you not work there anymore if they are so good ? I work for Kmart full time and make way more then minimum wage and it is still not enough. they suck and there insurance sucks . they treat people terrible cut there hours at the last minute. like after they are already there they send them home. sometime part time employees don't have hours for weeks at a time. then the very few full time people are expected to do there work. I work overnight and sometimes they expect three people to work a 2000 piece truck that's a lot of fright. Kmart's full time employees make 12 to 15 dollars an hour. but they put up with a lot of crap, stress , threats and aggravation. and buy the way I think your lying. if full time jobs were easy to find I would find another one.|||You are right from your side.
I know many companies that won't do anything for you.
The other week a friend got fired.
He worked for an air conditioner service and install company.
18 years he worked there with no benefits at all.
Some lady complained about him walking on her carpet and the boss needs to fire as many employees as possible because times are slow.
So he is fired and gets nothing.
I know mowers, and tree trimmers, and painters, and a myriad of other service folks who have no benefits. We have some chain restaurants and Walmart here. Everything else is some good ol boys just trying to hang on to their small businesses.|||They say they are the "working poor" because they are.Times are hard for most people. Now if you want to sit here on Y/A and pretend to be poor so you can act like a martyr for the republicans you go ahead and do it. It is very difficult to survive on min. wage in this country. We have millions of people who are uninsured, and for you to even make such a ridiculous statement means that you hae either never been poor or are not poor at this moment and have decided to become some sort of weird poverty uncle tom for the republicans <sic>|||Honey, I think you are not telling the whole truth here. Twenty years ago I worked for Mickey D's making minimum wage. Gas prices were still around a dollar and I had a car that I could fill up for $5 and that would last over a week. I could never have lived on my own even working full time. If Mickey D's gives out medical insurance now, I haven't heard of it. If they didn't back then, (only to store managers) how can they do it now when premiums for health insurance are at an all time high? Companies today will work employees 38 hours a week because that is considered part time and they don't have to offer health insurance until after 40. I think if you are going to try to make an argument about something, you better have your facts straight. |||You are right. They are the stair steps to a better job. Everyone must start somewhere. The problem lies within each of us to exceed in life. Goals help, but you must do it yourself.

The problem arises when others want the hard work done for them! American's have a problem with that. The truth of this election is NOT about RACISM; it's about Class Warfare! The rub of the lie is that poor people don't pay taxes....and get extra pay just for being poor. What more do ppl want from the backs of working people?


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