Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let me clarify a little bit. Reverse-racism is where, to kind of apologize for the previous cruel racist status of white people, certain minorities get a huge bonus on their taxes and great scholarship opportunities.

I personally don't think this is right, because reverse-racism is actually being racist to while people now. I don't think the modern world should be "an eye for an eye".

I'm a believer that BET is a great channel for great comforts, but if there was a WET, it would but shut off after a day.

Here is an exact quote from somebody here on Yahoo "I mean we all know that most white people don't need scholarships like this because most of the time they already have money to pay for college but most blacks on the other hand have it harder because they just don't have the money so it makes sense that we have scholarships and you guys don't"

That does not make ANY sense to me. I have friends who have single parents, who work at stores like McDonald's and can't get a better job. They can't even pay for college. I know more white people like that than Blacks, or Hispanics.

My overall Opinion: make it actually EQUAL. Everybody in the world (well, usually) is a great mix of different races, where probably some in the mix were enslaved, mistreated, etc. I do not want a WET or anything, but why are we in the mindset that blacks can praise themselves but white people cannot? Trust us, we need the money.

Please tell me your opinion, even if its different from mine, so I can get a few ideas. I plan to go far with this.|||I do believe in reverse-discrimination when everything else is equal. Don't promote or hire to send to school the less qualified to fill the seats with whatever race. If I score X on an admissions test, and you score X on an admissions test, and you are the minority, the scholarship goes to you.

The problem is, most people don't see how endemic the problem of racism and discrimination is in this country. I've been in some office meetings that sound like they were taking place in Selma, AL. The language, thought and hireability of racism is still with us.Just because the slaves were "freed" after the Civil War, they weren't free. They had nothing. No clothes of their own, their religion taken away, families torn apart, no money and no education. You can't repair that in such a little time. It was in the '60's when George Wallace blocked the steps of Little Rock HS- the '60's! Not 200 years ago.

How do you build people up from degradation like that? How do you show them, OK, you're equal now when they know they're not? Worst schools for children that need them most. Worst neighborhoods. The economic sector has left the area, and folks can't catch public transportation to go where the jobs are.

If we start off on an equal footing, then the contest will be equal and let the best man win. But if the scales are tipped, best add something to even them out until they even out on their own.|||Because a high portion of the minority populace is poor. Its is demned equitable if more assistance goes that way. Is it right. . . No! equality is equality. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease. |||Utter rubbish. It will not better society. Look, you can take a bag of garbage, cover it in cream, strawberries and sprinkles it is still garbage. Affirmative action is a pathetic excuse and illogical. Why honestly hire someone less qualified to do something than someone else...? Why?|||Andrew, i see what you're saying. You are talking about affirmative action in essence. I do agree with you for the most part, but somehow a little bit I don't. I don't think people should be bending over backwards now to help minorities but on some levels I feel like sometimes they need a little extra help depending on the situation. While I was in sociology I learned that the average white male high school graduate makes more money in his life time than the Latina college graduate. That really isn't fair. I don't know, it is a really sticky issue. There was an affirmative action group on my college campus and all the member were hassling me to join just because I am black. When I said I didn't want to, I was looked down upon. So basically what I am I saying? I don't know. You do raise a very good point though. Life isn't fair. this is one of those occasions where life is more unfair and cruel to white people. Also I see what you're saying with BET. Black people created a channel like this (though it is now white owned) because there was little or no Black representation of our interest or desires in the media. The overall media and TV setup at the time, and for the most part currently, was catering to the Anglo-Saxon white majority. Now things are changing, and white people are not the majority in California but that still might not be represented in the media. I just want to say that I get what you're saying. I have white friends and they tell me the same thing. We get into friendly arguments because we don't agree but both parties can for the most part understand where the other is coming from. |||The term "reverse-racism" is, itself, racist because it implies that the definition of racism is: "A white person hating someone of another race". This assumption is absurd. I actually heard a black woman, who was a member of the NAACP ("NAACP" is also a racist acronym), who said that white people are genetically predisposed to racism! We're genetically racist?! Genetically racist! What the hell kind of f*cking ridiculous junk science is that?!?!

Lady Mala, ever heard of "40 acres and a mule"?


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