Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My boyfriend and I are contemplating on whether or not we should go to this event they're holding, because we looked some stuff up about it and apparently alot of people say they've had bad experiences with them and there's lots of stuff saying it could possibly be a colt. Is all of this true, or is it lies and rumors spread by non-christians?|||I know nothing of it. I do know that I can pray to God of my own volition and not have to be in a mass to do it, I also know He will hear my prayer when I pray no matter where I am. You know, I suppose there would be nothing wrong with you going there to check it out for yourself and see if you like it. Give it a chance over what you have heard to be rumours or are unsure of.

I have no problem with praying with or for others. I don't follow religion, just the reality of the word of God and the way He tells us to do things. I have no problems with people who follow religion. We must find what works for ourselves|||http://gospelmasquerade.wordpress.com/category/ihop/

You should check out this blog of a former IHOP staff member. I can tell you to be very careful. As a former House of Prayer staff member I know the heresies, false doctrine, and the ignorance of God's word is the foundation of their teaching

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|||They are a Christian group involved a cheesy copyright battle with International House of Pancakes for trying to steal their acronym.|||Don't be surprised if a lot of people show up and order pancakes.


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