Thursday, February 9, 2012

President Obama promises historic new rates of high-school and college graduation. Again, he seems to think the present problem is the absence of money — as if brilliant, gifted, and motivated young people are ending up at McDonald’s rather than doing quantum physics because the bogeymen “they” raised the bar and didn’t give them enough college scholarship support.

More banality. The truth is quite different. First, too many of contemporary minority youth — the growing Hispanic and African-American underclass that may well soon make up 40 percent of our nation’s student body — for a variety of reasons beyond the government’s control (e.g., from inordinate patterns of illegitimacy; greater absence of two-parent families; above-average parental drug use, incarceration rates, and felony convictions; and a pervasive ethic of machismo that disdains “acting white” with your nose in a book), simply are not as competitive as other students in grade and high schools. In reaction, the good-hearted state, at the 11th hour of college entry, seeks to ensure an equality of result through affirmative action, set-asides, de facto quotas, and government subsidies. When poorly prepped minority students subsequently do not graduate from college at rates commensurate with other groups, the Left cries “racism” — and we are again back to asking for more money rather than a radical change of heart.

President Obama apparently cannot say, “Americans — each time you have a child out of wedlock, each time you take an illicit drug, each time you break the law or go to jail, each time you romanticize brutality rather than honor scholarship, each time you allege the racism of the others rather than look into your own soul, you do your own small part in ensuring that we might not educate your child as we should — no matter how many thousands of dollars we lavish upon him.”…|||My wife is a teacher at an inner city school. There are some kids that actually try to learn. But there are more kids that just don't care and are totally out of control. She can't do anything to discipline them because if she does she is called a racist by the kids parents. So I don't see how Obama is going to change these kids behavior. Or the parents behavior for that matter. You can't teach kids that don't care about learning. Especially if their parents don't care about their education.|||obomma is an ***, you just have to exept that there is a monkey as pressident. (when i say money i mean he looks like one! the ugliest man i've ever heard of!) look it his ears! the look monkeyish!|||This is for questions, not rants. Go blog somewhere else.|||i am very mad that in arizona the cut all the money for the schools next year!
ALL we cant even bye paper.
12 teachers at our school are getting fired.
they are cutting out fine arts!
no more ghior band or drama.|||When you are the must be o.k. to lie to the world.They've been doing it for years.Most of them usually wait a little longer after getting in office to start back though.Maybe obama thinks with all his new ones coming out,we'll forget about the ones he made during the campaign.Let's face it, it's up to us to see that our children are educated be it home school or whatever.When we see parents abusing and neglecting their children WE need to act on it.Call the services,continually if that is what it takes.We owe it to our youth to try to give them every opportunity we can. I wish I had a answer how to restore moral values to our youth ,but the problem is so bad,some of them will be lost to the drugs,prisons,racism,and death at early ages. We need to learn from this and not let it happen to the youth of tomorrow. That means working together be it if you're black,white,hispanic or from mars.if you're baptist,catholic,methodist,muslim,or atheists.whatever.When we can do that maybe the money the gov.likes to throw out thinking it will solve the problem can do some good.We can't depend on our pres.though. Maybe if he can quit lying to himself ,he might try to quit doing the same to us.Didn't mean to get so long but your question hit a raw spot that I have.Thanks|||Obama...

What he did was simply pander to the left and make promises he could not keep, he might have every intention of keeping them but in reality you just can't walk in, smile and ask real nice for things to happen.

The left is so naive they thought and still think he can do it. Education is very important, but so is having a good economy to fund it. Now that Obama is in power he prioritizing, and most unfortunately education will be lower on the the list than a lot of other things. I don't mean to say a republican would put it higher on the list, its just that a government's first responsibility is the safety and well being of it's people, and you can't create money out of thin air and just give it to the educational system.|||I live in the UK and his promises I've heard before. They came from the plastic socialist Blair. He is now a mega rich property magnet with a very substantial portfolio. Not bad for a man who's first address to those prepared to listen was education, education, education! You should now see the state of our school results. Good luck with Obama but nothing he says now or later, I haven't already heard before.

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