Monday, February 6, 2012

have a mental breakdown?
ok, he doesn't have the best family history. his grandpa was schizo and he never knew any of his grandparents long enough to remember them. he never saw any of his family other than his mom, dad, and brother. he hates his brother and hasn't spoken to him in three years and his dad is kind of getting more and more nutty and is very mean to him. and his mom, well is bitchy but i think it's menopause, to be honest.
anyway, he lives with me and he's almost 19 and working like almost 50 hour weeks at mcdonalds (don't say anything, it was the only place hiring and he hates it)
it's a really stressful job for him because he works with a bunch of people who don't work, so he's doing all their work for them too. to add to that, he is already down, not depressed, just frustrated that when he graduated high school, his only chance of going to college was if he got a scholarship, and he didn't get one. so he's stuck in a dead end job and cannot afford college.
he comes home and is exhausted and moody more than usual (he is bipolar). nothing ever harmful, just keeps to himself and broody i guess....
i'm just worried because he's really little to begin with- like 5 foot 5 and one hundred pounds, if that. and he looks like he's lost more weight. and he's barely sleeping at night and has to wake up early to go to work.
i don't know, maybe i'm just worrying too much.|||The fact that he has a family history of mental illness increases his chances!

Its like having a family history of being alcoholic,my dad and almost everyone on his side of the family is an alcoholic,so my chances of being one increase a lot(hence why I don't drink)!

Thank god for the fact that my dad is 20 years sober,the rest of them are in denial about it!

Try to get your boyfriend an appointment with a shrink or some type of mental health specialist!|||Maybe you should take him to a doctor, get him checked out, and put him on some meds!|||Uncle Ben will be fine. Don't worry about it, Aunt Jemima.|||idk|||yes|||he needs to see a doctor

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