Monday, February 6, 2012

My parents think, and I agree, that I need to get my life in order. I'm 15 and a sophomore in high school, and my parents think that I need to get it together. Lately my parents have been fighting with me that its either I get my grades up or its either the Air Force or McDonalds. High grades have always been a high standard with my family, partially just because I've always been an intelligent kid. Right now I slipped pass the quarter with 4 A's 2 B's and one C. My parents FLIPPED out, I know my friends make ALOT better grades than I do, and it's really only the semester grades that count, but I'm scared.

-Most of grades are low because I don't turn in my work. I get whats going on in the class, I just don't turn it in. I know this happens, I've always done this. I either a) don't do it b) forget to do it c) don't get it done.

-On top of this, my room is a total mess. I have time to clean it, I just don't get it done. I'm always thinking about how to decorate it or style it etc. But it until I REALLY get tired of the messiness, it never stays clean.

-I never go to bed on time, lately I've been turning in at maybe 1am- 2am on a school night. I go to bed earlier on the weekends which is sad. And I know this is not healthy, I probably get maybe only 4-5 hours of sleep at night.

-Part of this is the reason I get up so late, and then it takes me forever to get ready. By the time I leave the house it's maybe 7:45-7:50 so then it turns into a rush, and then I have 5 minutes to get ready for the day and rush to class at the same time.

-It's even affecting the sports I play. I play both volleyball and basketball for school. And I've been told lately that I'm not "all there." It's embarrassing.

- The reason I go to bed late at night is because I do stupid stuff like talking to my friends or watching TV when i get home from practice, and then I wait until like 9 or 10pm to start my homework. It is so messed up.

-My parents also complain that I never do my own laundry like I use to, I never clean the bathroom, etc. Which I also agree with. Growing up, my parents never really made "chores" a big priority and I always felt guilty about that. They either just expected us to do them, asked us, or did it themselves.

This past two weeks I've been either sick or gone for a total of 4 out of 10 days of school, and I feel so overwhelmed!

I feel like a total loser, my parents keep reminding me that if I don't get a scholarship (which I have already been preparing for, been doing research and everything) or a grant to college that it's working at McDonalds. Or if I can just not get my life together, it's 'good luck in the Air Force hun'.

I don't have a problem with either of those, it's just not what I want to do. I know I've probably butchered my dream of attending Stanford. (my GPA is 3.6, I'm pretty sure it needs to be alot higher) Last year I received all A's on my transcripts. Only this year it looks shaky. I enrolled myself in AVID so I could take a hold on this procrastination problem and push myself harder.

I just feel really out of control, and off track. I have no idea where to start, and right now I am completely terrified of my future. Help me?!?!|||Whoa, slow down. Did something happen to make you feel and act like this? anything with friends, family, romantic relationships?
Try to take small steps at first, and try to wean yourself off of your habits. for example, start doing your homework half an hour or an hour earlier than you normally do, same with going to bed. then you gradually do that (at your own pace) until you have that sorted out. If you have trouble keeping on that track, try to set alarms on your cell phone or keep a scheduele somewhere. Practise self-discipline, and you'll keep getting better at it.
As for cleaning your room and chores- for cleaning your room, start simply by putting things in their proper place when you are finished with them. if you've got that down, just pick a few things up or straighten up a little bit whenever you have a spare minute or two. eventually, a lot of little things will add up to a lot more clean, open space in your room. if you watch television in your room, you could tidy up a tiny bit here and there during any commercial breaks. if you can find a bunch of spare boxes or containers to put random things in, that's a very good step to take.
And chores... I personally think that you should focus on the problems that pertain to you more personally first. Start with putting a few patches in YOUR life, then when you've got that a little more together, start doing a few chores here and there. It may be hard to start, especially when you have other things you want to do, but like I said, try to take things gradually and in small steps.

And, if you don't mind me saying, your parents seem a little bit hard on you...maybe you should let them know that, yes, you know you're not doing that great right now, but you're really trying to get back on track and you would really appreciate a bit of slack for a while?

Just try to relax a little bit. Don't worry too much about your future, you've still got time, trust me. You CAN turn this around. Maybe before you start this, you could try and relax a little bit and have a day just to you; perhaps a spa day, and/or watching a movie with popcorn and other snacks? Just try to relax a little, de-stress before you go right into it. It will make starting everything easier for you.

Best of luck.|||I suggest you have an evaluation done to diagnose your depression.|||If this is seriously ur problem....
then u seriously... SERIOUSLY have no idea what a f*cked up life is

U don't even realize how great u have it|||Can you maybe talk to a counselor/ psychologist? It seems like you are almost sort of setting yourself up to fail by staying up doing unimportant things and then never getting enough sleep, rushing off in the AM and being "not all there", not turning in work even though you could do it.....
Do you think something is going on that you partly are afraid of succeeding ? Or has something else happened in your life that is upsetting you and stopping you from concentrating on your goals? Or do you think you might actually have a problem like depressive disorder? some of what you are describing sounds similar to what I experienced. In my case a medication actually helped. but cognitive therapy might also be a good idea. I don't want to push that idea if you dont need it but I think at least you might consider talking to a school psychologist or counselor and if they thought you might be helped by a referral to another professional, it might be a good idea.
At 15 you can still get your grades back up and get into a good college. but what you've been doing isnt working so I think maybe you need to talk this over with some outside people who might be objective and might be able to help.

btw I hate to tell you this but the drawing that guy made is 枚f "pedobear" , it's like a pedophile cartoon some people apparently think is funny to make internet art with it molesting kids. ( Sorry to bum you out even more but I just wanted to warn you . Maybe this guy thinks it is a great joke to post it on questions asked by kids )|||I bet that you have never expressed exactly how you feel and what is going on in your life until now. If you take the next step and write down why you are acting out you will be that much closer to getting back on track. You know exactly what is distracting you. Now put Stanford back in front of you and get to work! It is so not too late.|||Sounds like your living without a dream or a goal. You should make a long term goal and strive for it. Ask yourself what you want out of life. Then ask how are you going to get there. Strive for independence and a good way to get out of your parents house. Good luck.


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