Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I got out of high school a year ago. I left for Iowa to live with an older boyfriend at the end of August 08' and I worked at a restaurant sort of business for a few months. We ended up moving to Vancouver BC for awhile since the contract on the job he had was up and his Visa expired. I've been jobless for like 5 months and I am really disappointed with myself, especially since I let a man get in the way of my future. So. I want to ask you guys what I should do for college IE can I get scholarships still, how should I go about getting a loan without a job and is there any chance with the inexperience that I have, to get a job such as a business secretary, something that does pay well and would make me happier than working at mcdonalds or washing dishes. I'm not willing to work a crap job, I know I gotta work from bottom to top, but I have heard stories of people getting 'miracle' jobs like right off the bat, out of high school. Anywho, if anyone could give me some advice that'd be great. I really wanna get back on my feet and go to school and have a wonderful job.|||I would recommend go to the collage near you and ask to talk to a career counselor, trust me they are there to help you a lot, they will see if they know of any scholarships you might be able to get and most of the time you can do a 5year program which involves school and working and the school would find you the job most likely it will be at the school, but its better then working at McDonals and washing dishes. But if you don't want a job working for the school i would look up Job Fairs that are happening near you and go out there with your resume and just hand then out to everyone and don't be picky when you go just hand them out to every person because when they all call back you will be able to pick the one you want and also see which one pays more then the other. Oh one more thing when you get back in to school, which i hope you will, make friends with your TA's, counselor, Prof's, because if the TA or prof know your name and know you, you will be more comfortable to go for them for extra help and also when there marking your test or paper and they see your name a picture of you pops in their head and if they like you they just might be a bit easier marking your stuff.
I hope i helped if you need anymore advice, because i have been there, well not having a BF (because i am straight :P) or GF, but i know what your going through it may seem hard to get back up on your feet but the only thing that made me keeping going was looking at the future and all the money you will be making when all your hard work is done. Like i said need anymore help feel free to e-mail me at ahmed.elbadri@gmail.com good luck


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