Tuesday, March 6, 2012
(that's International House of Prayer).
I wondered what you think of this newws report?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-…|||I am not a member but attended Kansas City Fellowship pre IHOP days.
I also attended when it was a Vineyard and have heard Bickle speak on many occasions.
The byline is misleading . Bickle did not say she was the anti Christ.
Bickle actually says she is a forerunner who is preparing the way for the anti Christ .
The biggest problem with Mike and the good ole boys from KCF / IHOP remains their hostility to women and perpetuation of the Jezebel spirit teachings that swept through many evangelical churches via John Paul Jackson and other prophetic voices, who scattered to established their own ministries in other places..
This occurred when God was raising up women and bringing them into their own equality within the church. Why must the church remain hostile to women ? The original intro to KCF church members addressed that women were unique and in this uniqueness were to be in lesser positions of authority and this was 1988 or 1989. Now , we have the harlot spirit. Some people have a difficult time with change.
I am certain it is neither male nor female but you can smell the female hatred in the rhetoric.
There is some misogyny at IHOP and within the prophetic movement . It is present and is something I believe grieves God.
Having said all of this..
Oprah spreads her version of evangelistic new age spirituality where anything goes. . Women and men alike seem to adore her. Our own President and his wife have been featured guests while Oprah refused to include Sarah Palin as a guest. She has power and is not afraid to use it.
I think she is one of the most powerful tools the liberal media has and she has managed to sway many women into buying into her brand of new age spiritualism. She is a nice person, She does good works and is generous all while dismissing biblical based faith.
I would not mention a woman like Oprah in the same sentence with harlot or the anti Christ. There is no question of where she stands on the issue of Christianity . She likes it watered down and ineffective.
Bickle should never have called her out when there was no purpose in doing so. It is one thing to ask for prayer for Oprah's conversion to Christ but another to say she is a forerunner of the antiChrist. It makes him appear unstable and in most areas he has been very balanced and not into the greed and power trip so many Christian leaders fall prey to.|||IHOP is a cult!
The "International House of Prayer" (IHOP) is a para-church ministry located in south Kansas City, Missouri. IHOP was founded by Rev. Mike Bickle in 1999. Its primary purpose seems to be international prayer of intercession. Since 1999, the International House of Prayer has experienced explosive growth, with the group acquiring significant amounts of property in Grandview, Missouri, and opening up satellite branches in other cities. The rapid expansion, the unusual practices, the fierce loyalty of many IHOP members, and the relative newness of the ministry have led many to question whether the International House of Prayer is a biblically-solid ministry or a cult.
At the International House of Prayer, there is active prayer taking place, literally 24/7, without interruption, and this has been the case for many years. 24/7 prayer is a good thing. There is no such thing as “praying too much,” so, in this area, IHOP is to be commended. The problem arises, however, in the type of prayer that is taking place. The International House of Prayer has adopted many of the practices of the contemplative prayer movement, with much more focus on mysticism and contemplative spirituality than on worshipping the Lord in prayer and interceding for others through prayer. Some elements of the IHOP employ prayer in a Word-Faith manner, claiming things from God rather than submitting to God’s will in humility. There are also reports of prophetic prayer, praying in tongues, and other ecstatic practices. So, while 24/7 prayer is commendable, if the prayers being uttered are not biblical, there is no true value in them.
Another concern with the International House of Prayer is its connection with the prophetic movement in general, and the Kansas City Prophets specifically. Instead of a biblical understanding of prophecy, that is, declaring the truth that God has revealed, IHOP essentially views prophets as Christian psychics, with prophetic hotlines, prophetic readings, and an emphasis on personal prophecy. Many have been led astray by those claiming to be apostles and prophets with a “word from the Lord.” There have been many reports of spiritual abuse and prophetic manipulation within the International House of Prayer movement.
This misunderstanding of the gift of prophecy leads to another area of concern. The International House of Prayer has an extreme over-emphasis on the miraculous gifts of the Spirit. Much has already been written on the cessation of the miraculous gifts, but IHOP’s use of these gifts goes far beyond what most Charismatics and Pentecostals will accept. At IHOP, the miraculous gifts of the Spirit are expected to be commonplace. Miraculous healings, visions, dreams, prophecies, tongues, words of knowledge, signs, wonders, etc., are claimed to be constant within the ministries of IHOP. Whether full cessationism is accepted or not, IHOP’s claims regarding the gifts of the Spirit do not at all agree with what the Bible presents. In the New Testament, the miraculous gifts of the Spirit authenticated the teachings of the apostles (2 Corinthians 12:12). If miracles are normal, they cannot have an authenticating quality to them. IHOP’s claims regarding miracles do not agree with what the Bible teaches about miracles, signs, and wonders. We would all be wise to remember Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24:24, “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.”
With all of that said, clearly IHOP should not be considered a biblically-sound ministry/organization. The above concerns are only the “tip of the iceberg” in comparison to some of the things that have been reported by former IHOP members/participants. Should the International House of Prayer movement be considered a cult? That is more difficult to answer. Generally speaking, a cult is a group that has false teaching on one or more of the core truths of the Christian faith, such as the deity of Christ or salvation by faith alone. On these core truths, IHOP appears to be solid and biblical. However, other common identifying factors of a cult are present at IHOP, such as it being controlled primarily be one individual, fierce loyalty to the organization, communal living, and a feeling of superiority over the uninitiated. So, while the International House of Prayer should probably not be considered a cult, there are enough serious concerns about its beliefs and practices that should prevent Christians from getting involved in its ministries.|||I love the International House of Prayer sign in Kansas City... the one for their "Faith Service Ministries"... a great big sign with "FSM" on it. And I thought the Flying Spaghetti Monster was more into pasta than pancakes.
Christian Skeptic... but do you know the name of the girl at IHOP with one leg shorter than the other?
Unless she is Japanese, then it is Irene.|||Hey how do I apply for refugee status in Harlot Babylon? It sounds like my kind of place...and my sister could be President there!!!|||I thought IHOP was the International House Of Pancakes.
Well, you learn something every day.|||I wonder if International House of Pancakes sued for copyright infringement . . . hmmmmmmmm|||*news|||Where does a girl with one leg work?
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